How is mule creating and who was discovered mule and which prophet cursed it | ISLAMIC HISTORY

1 year ago

@islamichistory #viralvideo #mule #islamichistory #islamicstories #islam
Asslamoalaikum, اسلام علیکم to everybody, our channel is for about ISLAMIC HISTORY and in this video we will explain you about.A male horse and a female donkey have a hinny. A female horse and a male donkey have a mule. But hinnies and mules can't have babies of their own. They are sterile because they can't make sperm or eggs..
The cultural values of Islam include intense religious observance based on faithfulness to Allah and the teachings of Muhammad. They also include a strong sense of community in the religious and familial sense and a strong desire to build up a faithful Muslim society
#mule #khachar #prophets #prophetsstoryinislam #animals #hiddenfactsofmule

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