How To Have One Month's Worth Of Light With 1 Quart Of Cooking Oil - Steven Harris NWSS Book

1 year ago
22 -- This video by Steven Harris is a much more thorough education regarding page 102 of his revised Nuclear War Survival Skills book. Harris goes into detail showing you how you can have light (illumination) for at least a month with just one quart of old cooking oil.

This video shows you how to have long-term emergency light in any disaster as long as you have - or prepare ahead of time - some very basic, inexpensive items. Yes, you even can use old Crisco (vegetable shortening) or even rancid cooking oil instead of throwing it away.

Here is the official NWSS Twitter link:

Harris also has an in-depth video training course where he goes into specific instruction on the basics of what you need to have ready for any nuclear / radiation situation. That course can be found here:

If you enjoy how Harris presents information then take a moment to discover the rest of his advanced video training courses at this link:

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