The Elephants in the Room - EMF and Graphene!

1 year ago

Dr Robert O Young and Anders Brunstad discussed the effects of a grand solar minimum on global temperatures, the research of Valentina Sarkar, and the potential for a targeted bio weapon using DNA or mRNA. They also discussed the Better Way Conference and the potential for people to refer to Anders' research on 5G and mortality. Finally, they discussed the potential for artificial intelligence to be used in the hacking of the human body.
Dr Robert Young and Per Halle discussed the environmental factors that are impacting human health, such as aluminum, glyphosate, fluoride, WiFi, plastics, and EMF. They discussed the effects of these factors on the pineal gland, which is responsible for regulating life force energy, and how it can be calcified by aluminum. They also discussed the effects of these environmental factors on the body, such as the choppy pulse and lever quality, which are new pulse qualities observed in Chinese medicine.

Anders Brunstad presented data showing that in Montana, the age group with the least exposure to EMF (85+) had the least excess mortality, while the younger age groups (65-74) had higher excess mortality. This suggests that EMF exposure is linked to higher mortality rates, and that the cumulative effect of EMF exposure is more dangerous than initially thought.

The data from five metro states and Montana show that there is a significant difference in mortality rates between rural and metro areas, with the metro areas having a 24% increase in mortality in the 85+ age group and a 66% increase in the 65-74 age group. In Montana, the 85+ age group had a 16% decrease in mortality and the 65-74 age group had the same mortality rate as the metro areas. This suggests that the combination of vaccinations and 4G/5G exposure is contributing to the increased mortality in metro areas.

Dr Robert Young and Anders Brunstad discussed the dangers of living in cities with 5G technology and the benefits of living in rural areas with 4G or 4G+ technology. They also discussed the long-term effects of electromagnetic fields on the human body and the need to reduce all wireless technology. Per Halle added that the world needs to take out 4G and 5G, as well as all other wireless technology, in order to protect humanity in the long run.

Dr Robert Young and Anders Brunstad discussed the importance of focusing on the EMF narrative rather than the virus narrative, and the need to bring more voices to the conversation to help protect humanity from the technology of doom. They discussed the importance of understanding the contributing factors of environmental, metabolic, medical, and respiratory factors, as well as the protective mechanisms of green plants, chlorophyll, germanium, and vitamin D. They also discussed the need to protect cell membranes with glutathione and acetyl cysteine, and the need to reduce lactic and citric acid to prevent cancer. Lastly, they discussed the need to work together to spread the message and to bring more people on board to help protect humanity.

Chapters & Topics
Chapter descriptions

Discussion of Solar Research and Five G Narrative0:05

The effects of the Grand Solar Minimum on global temperatures and Co2 levels

Discussion of environmental factors contributing to health issues.10:29

Discussion on the Bigger Picture of the Narrative and the Pineal Gland Attack36:04

Discussion of the Correlation Between Chem Trails, Five G, and Excess Mortality47:56

Man-Made Fires in Rural Areas of California and Montana55:33

Discussion of the Correlation Between EMF Exposure and Mortality Rates1:01:18

The correlation between 5G and EMF exposure and mortality rates
Discussion of the Correlation Between Chem Trails and Five G1:10:00

Excess Mortality in Ukraine and Montana1:20:51

Discussion of the Impact of Technology on Health and Well-Being1:29:09

The effects of chemtrails, 5G, and other pollutants on mortality rates
Understanding the Effects of Electromagnetic Fields on Human Health1:44:27

Exploring the Impact of EMF Sensitivity on Humanity2:07:16

Action Items
Formalize the Five G narrative research8:38
Analyze the makeup of the "Frankenstein" creatures found in the blood of humans39:19
Dismantle completely the 4G and 5G network1:19:59
Find diplomats or ambassadors to present the data on mortality rates in Montana1:31:42
Schedule another meeting to review the articles of association of the organization.1:43:50
Establish contact with alternative media outlets to spread the message of the EMF narrative2:12:05

Key Questions
What is the purpose of mRNA in the delivery of a targeted bio weapon?11:14
What is the pineal gland's role in transforming light into electrical energy?38:09
What is the capital of Montana?1:05:25
Where can people go to protect themselves from the primary assault on humanity?1:35:15
What can people do to protect themselves from 5G and EMF exposure?2:01:32
How can we protect ourselves from a magnetic field?2:07:09

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