Terfenstein 3D - I can't think of an appropriate subtitle that Youtube won't throw a fit over... :(

1 year ago

My Good bud @StooDogg went and fetched me this. He does find me some whacky stuff. I mean most dogs find lost kids in wells and food but Stoo brings me Terfenstein.

Terfenstein is a parody of Wolfenstein 3D, set in a dystopion world where trans people have been hunted down to near extinction by angry karen types. Twitter lost a big chunk of its userbase and Tumblr no longer exists.
Annieway, you, BJ Blastoise have now escaped and you're going on a rampage to shoot every Terf that stands between you and freedom.

Assuming you don't accidentally lock yourself in a tiny room...

Addendum: Apparently this game was developed in Norway, so I think the banners might be Norweigen, not German. Oops.

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My Facebook: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?redir_token=U1HtN_xWmXmjhbvtE327gQHPPgp8MTU2OTI3OTYwMEAxNTY5MTkzMjAw&v=wTNk9k6nuGg&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2FProfessorCuriousGaming%2F&event=video_description

The Collection Chamber: https://collectionchamber.blogspot.com/
Hot Frog Animations: http://www.hotfroganimations.com/
Hot Frog Animations Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ9JH2Yuw0Glhg0CK-IE2RA/videos

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