Jamie Foxx reportedly BLINDED and partially PARALYZED after coerced into taking covid vaccine jab. The vaccine industry will bury Jamie Foxx to cover up the truth about vaccine-induced damage and disabilities

1 year ago

Have no illusions that the entire genocidal vaccine establishment is working overtime to cover all this up and try to make sure that nobody finds out the truth about Jamie Foxx’s life reportedly being destroyed by the very same vaccines that have been relentlessly pushed by the payola media and the criminal FDA.

As I say in today’s Brighteon Broadcast News (see below), “Black Americans should know better than to trust the medical establishment with experimental jabs.” Did Foxx not know about the history of Tuskegee? Medical experiments on black prisoners? Black Army soldiers? Black citizens?

For any black man or woman to take any experimental medical jab is to surrender your life to a medical cartel that has systematically tried to carry out genocide against people of color, including via abortions. Planned Parenthood’s founder referred to blacks as “human weeds” and promoted abortion as a means of committing mass murder targeting black babies before they were born.

Not surprisingly, covid vaccine uptake among black Americans has been noticeably lower than among whites. For whatever reason, white people tend to be incredibly gullible and often believe in false authority. Blacks, in contrast, are usually more discerning about trusting “government officials,” for obvious reasons.

Regardless of your skin color or ethnicity, trusting the vaccine industry with your life is a foolish gambit. Many of those who rolled the dice have paid with their lives. Others are paying the price with lifelong disabilities and injuries caused by experimental mRNA injections. And the truly informed people know that covid-19 “vaccine” are engineered bioweapons intended to achieve human depopulation.

Government depopulation efforts have traditionally targeted People of Color (PoC). The same is true with the abortion industry and the cancer industry, where blacks are routinely targeted for extermination by the medical establishment, which is dominated by for-profit, greed-driven power brokers that only see blacks as a source of revenue, not as human beings worthy of life.

Learn more in today’s Brighteon Broadcast News, covering all the following topics:

– Jamie Foxx now confirmed to be VACCINE DAMAGED, causing severe STROKE with blindness and paralysis

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