1 year ago



If you receive an abusive reply to comment from an account calling itself "Thecrowhouse" telling you to unsubscribe. It is NOT me. Flag and mute the poster.

If you receive a private message from an account calling itself "ThecrowhouseOfficial" on telegram, or any other platform asking you to invest in crypto. It is NOT me. Do not invest.

If you receive a comment reply from "Ricky Gomez" (Brendan O'Connell) or any other of his many sock accounts, telling you I have retired and requested all donations to TheCrowhouse be redirected to Brendan O'Connell, it is NOT true and you should flag and block the account.

If you see a comment here from an account calling itself "Max Igan Legal Fund" claiming my sister has been arrested. It is NOT me. Do not send them any money.

If you receive a message on instagram from Max_igan11 or _max_igan_ asking you to invest in anything. It is NOT me. Flag and block the account.

If you receive a friend request from Max Igan or TheCrowhouse on Facebook, it is NOT me, I don't use facebook.

If you are an activist and you receive an abusive email via the contact form on your website, it is NOT me. I don't randomly email people to abuse them.

If you receive a comment reply from an account with a name something like "MAX IGAN IS A CONMAN..." or "MAX IGAN IS A HOMELESS GRIFTER" or whatever, but generally in all-caps, (and yes she can be somewhat relentless). For example, I recently woke to find 1715 comments from her spread out over 3 hours! (And ask yourself, what kind of person opens a sock account and spends 3 hours copy/pasting bullshit about someone they have never met? Fixated much???) This is the same psychopathic woman who has been claiming Im involved in land deals that I have nothing to do with (simply because I interviewed someone involved with land that the previous owners had apparently used to scam people with), and the same woman who had been doxxing my real name and home address everywhere for the last 4 years while urging people to harm me - thus endangering my family and my landlord back home in Australia. I'm told she has even mapped out my landlords house on one video she had made. Real 'fatal attraction' cold blooded psycho stuff. And after all of the intuitive messages I had been receiving to leave Australia, her doxxing was what actually led me to finally make the decision to leave my home simply to ensure the safety of my family and of my landlord. She is a full blown, textbook sociopath who forced me out of a place I had been living for 8 years, was very happy in, and had intended to spend the rest of my life in, and still it wasn't enough for her, so she has to keep spreading bullshit about me. She recently even took a still frame from a video taken in studio city LA in 2019 when I was staying with Rachel Reenstra and claimed it was a photograph of me taken outside a homeless shelter in Adelaide.... And its easy to grab a still frame of someone in conversation with what looks like a weird expression on their face and claim anything you want. She is 100% Total psychopath who is simply attempting to make trouble for me in any way possible. Doxxing and urging harm is tantamount to encouraging murder. Please flag, mute and report her account.

If you see a comment from "Barry Keaton" (Brendan O'Connell) claiming I'm gay, it is simply Brendon airing his own homosexual fantasies in public

As the message spreads further, these type of attacks are becoming more and more frequent. "They" have even, somehow, managed to four times now remove this comment I have had pinned for almost 18 months warning everyone of this type of trolling.

Just please be aware that this channel is under constant attack. I will NEVER send you a random personal message unless you are someone I actually know; nor I will ever try to sell you land or ask you to invest in crypto, and you should use discernment if ever approached or contacted online by anyone claiming to be me

Monthy Subscriptions the TheCrowhouse can now be received via Stripe or direct contributions can be made via Wise bank.
If you would like to assist please visit this page:
Any support is greatly appreciated

Biometric Update

Guide to Forming Communities Spanish Edition

Weatherwar101 Website

Commonwealth of Australia States Assembly

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn - 200 Years Together pdf:

"The illusion of freedom will continue for as long as it's profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will take down the scenery, move the tables and chairs out of the way, then they will pull back the curtains and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater." - Frank Zappa

“The past was erased, the erasure was forgotten, the lie became the truth." - George Orwell

“There is more stupidity than hydrogen in the universe, and it has a longer shelf life.” ― Frank Zappa

"A single person who stops lying can bring down a tyranny" Alexandr Solzhenitsyn



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