Ep 49 N8 31st May 23 - Voluntary Tyranny

1 year ago

Once again a super informative and enjoyable zoom with Liz and the N8 crew

Worksafe v NEMA - White Island Disaster - A very useful case for showing what is and isnt a workplace hazard under the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015.

Worksafe failed in its effort to have NEMA found guilty of a HSWA breach.

Volcanos are not a workplace hazard as eruptions are an Act of God type situation. Therefore the prediction of an eruption cannot be the responsibility of the business or employer.

Join us to hear how C19 can be explained in the same way. Case law such as this is our path to justice

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00:14 Emz: Discussion about Liz’s interview with Base 133 from the UK

02:08 Liz: English civil war and interregnum – King Charles I beheaded for treason and the end of the divine right of Kings – 17 March 1649 Act for abolishing the kingly office in England, Ireland and the Dominions thereunto belonging – How did King Charles II get restored as to crown another King was treason – People were told the Interregnum was to be legally forgotten – Interregnum got rid of house of lords, ecclesiastical Lords, courts and more

06:42 Liz: 1649 Act was the end of that line of Kings – To proclaim a king was treasonous – You couldn't bring a king back because the bringing back had to be signed off and any act of Parliament was to be signed off by the head of state – Explaining the zoom title “Voluntary Tyranny” – Very mysterious 6 A of the Imperial Laws Application Act 1998, Power to make subordinate legislation under Imperial enactments part of laws of New Zealand – Sovereign can make laws for the privy council (Kings council of advisors) – Section 6 Imperial Laws Application Act 1988 - Application of Legislation Act 2019 to Imperial legislation – Sovereign in right of NZ can put signature to secondary legislation – Section 6, who is the executive council? Executive? – Does that mean since 1988 there has been no royal assent because there is no place for it section 6? – The Act of Settlement 1701 & The Succession to the Crown Act 2013 re Roman Catholics & the Crown

10:20 Liz: Schedule 1 Imperial Laws Application Act 1988 - Imperial enactments in force in New Zealand (Common Law & Equity) – Changes to ILAA in England have effect here in NZ – Governor General to do Orders in Council and secondary legislation – Relevance to pending court case and case today – Midwives v Midwifery Council & birthing centre case coming up - Member being pursued in criminal court for practising without APC, go for strikeout – Is it justiciable – Change authority due to sole and exclusive jurisdiction – Court story :)

15:13 Liz: How the 2020 orders came in and relevance to the case – Signed off by the GG in council? NOPE – Section 6 Imperial Laws Application Act 1988 - Application of Legislation Act 2019 to Imperial legislation regarding publication requirements - All secondary legislation is required to be gazetted under the Legislation Act 2019 - Section 69 (1)(c) and 69 (2)

17:17 Liz: Voluntary taxation? – Genesis of Australian Tax Office – Examination of article “The I.T.R. (Institute of Taxation Research) Has Now Received Irrefutable Proof (Through an Exhaustive Freedom of Information Act Search), That the Australian Taxation Office Was Never Officially Gazetted in 1973 at Its Formation” – Never gazetted 1973

23:50 Liz: Illegal Constitution due to 1649 Act? – Call them the Administrators – What would have need to be Gazetted? – Liz and Kelvin (New Freeland & allodial) use extensive investigation from Chief Justice Sian Elias about Crown (setting up of government being administrators only) – Didn’t own land due to 1649 Act – Can’t give a trading flag on behalf of William IV as traitor to English people due to English Civil War – Question validity of the 2020 Orders – GG did not make any Orders in Council that allowed any 2020 – No Royal assent to Acts of Parliament since 1986 – About 95% of legislation in NZ is secondary

29:00 Liz: Legally free since 1986 and all of this stuff about orders, etcetera, was the administration playing us for fools – Transcript interview of Sian Elias and Geoffrey Palmer about the Crown – LOL suggestion Coster be Crown in right :) – Weaver$ like “The Emperors New Clothes” – Challenge using section 6A - (1275) 3 Edw 1, c 1—(Statutes of Westminster the First) – 1688 BoRA no one above the law – About who is bound & shackled, Section 3 New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990

34:01 Liz: If you wanted to find out why the crown seemed to have so much power, then it would have been fairly easy to actually do a bit of a search and find out how legally did Charles the second get restored – He didn’t? – Statutes of the Realm 1661 – Charles II, 1661: An Act declaring the sole Right of the Militia to be in King and for the present ordering & disposing the same – The questions need to be asked in the courts

35:57 Liz: Voluntary Tyranny – Taxes – PAYE – GST tax collectors for the state – Liz cheque story about interest collected – IRD taking their 10% as resident withholding tax in the process – No pecuniary damage – Gazette who has to pay tax – Tax laws of NZ – No royal assent to Acts of Parliament since 1986 – Commerce to just beat you about the head with and get and turn you into slaves you know.

48:27 Liz: Court participants accused of anarchism and being a Sovereign citizen, but it’s the courts have been compromised at the very, very highest levels by anarchists, by Marxists, by cultural Marxists and crazy people.

50:04 Liz: Open chat – Question: I'm still trying to conceptual how COVID is not a is not a workplace – Revisit and analysis: Worksafe tried to sue NEMA in District court over section 36 (2) Of the Health and Safety Work Act – NEMA doesn’t have a workplace on White Island – Volcano is like pandemic “act of god” – Using the jurisprudence out of the Health and Safety Work Act – Must follow whole Act not cherry pick – Charge dismissed – Case relevance as public health is beyond the scope of Worksafe – Worksafe had no business with pushing employers to require/force staff to vax unlawfully

58:25 Liz: The purpose of Acts – Worksafe saying there’s an obligation under HWSA, but it’s only an obligation about industrial diseases, nothing to do with public health – Public health response, not occupational health response – Health Act 1956, should be called Public Health Act – Section 9 WorkSafe New Zealand Act 2013 - WorkSafe New Zealand’s main objective is to provide for a balance framework to secure the health and safety of workers and workplaces – Section 29, it's illegal to insure against fines under HSWA – It’s for workplace hazards where they have control – Used to be called occupational health and safety – Case relevance to mandates in the workplace

01:09:46 Liz: Judgements that put public health against the rights of the individual – Courts themselves have extended the duty under section 36 to beyond what parliament intended - Apparent in Judicial reviews – Paragraph 29 & 30 – In the 2020 Act, there's nothing about that COVID-19 is going to be a workplace hazard

01:13:11 Emz: COVID-19 could only be a workplace hazard if you were working in a lab where they were growing it or something – Perfect example as a product of the workplace – Fort Dietrich

01:15:49 Speaker 3: Open chat – Traffic management and more

Content Links:

Bases 133 Liz Lambert Part 1 The Law since King Charles 1st

Allodial World social media Facebook

ACTS AND ORDINANCES OF THE. INTERREGNUM. 1642—1660. https://www.forgottenbooks.com/en/download_pdf/Acts_and_Ordinances_of_the_Interregnum_Collected_and_Edited_v3_1000847601.pdf

Privy Council

Section 6A Imperial Laws Application Act 1988 - Application of Legislation Act 2019 to Imperial legislation

Section 6 Imperial Laws Application Act 1988 - Power to make subordinate legislation under Imperial enactments part of laws of New Zealand
(ii) in any other case, if it is made by the Sovereign in right of New Zealand acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council:

Section 2 Constitution Act 1986 - Head of State
(1)The Sovereign in right of New Zealand is the head of State of New Zealand and shall be known by the royal style and titles proclaimed from time to time.
(2)The Governor-General appointed by the Sovereign is the Sovereign's representative in New Zealand.

Sovereign of New Zealand

Royal assent

Imperial Laws Application Act 1988, Schedule 1, Imperial enactments in force in New Zealand, Constitutional enactments

Section 5 Imperial Laws Application Act 1988 - Application of common law of England

The Act of Settlement 1701 & The Succession to the Crown Act 2013

Sole and exclusive jurisdiction

§ 69 (1)(c) and 69 (2), Legislation Act 2019 - PCO must publish all legislation

13 notices found under "Order in Council"

The I.T.R. (Institute of Taxation Research) Has Now Received Irrefutable Proof (Through an Exhaustive Freedom of Information Act Search), That the Australian Taxation Office Was Never Officially Gazetted in 1973 at Its Formation

Interviews with Sian Elias and Geoffrey Palmer – Transcript

Sian Elias “Back to the future? Reconciling sovereignty and the interests of first peoples” AUSTRALIAN ACADEMY OF LAW PATRON’S LECTURE

THE EMPEROR'S NEW CLOTHES by Hans Christian Andersen

Section 3 New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 – Application
This Bill of Rights applies only to acts done—
(a) by the legislative, executive, or judicial branches of the Government of New Zealand; or
(b) by any person or body in the performance of any public function, power, or duty conferred or imposed on that person or body by or pursuant to law.

'Charles II, 1661: An Act declaring the sole Right of the Militia to be in King and for the present ordering & disposing the same.', in Statutes of the Realm: Volume 5, 1628-80, ed. John Raithby (s.l, 1819), pp. 308-309. British History
Online http://www.british-history.ac.uk/statutes-realm/vol5/pp308-309
Statutes of the Realm: Volume 5, 1628-80, ed. John Raithby (s.l, 1819), British History
Online http://www.british-history.ac.uk/statutes-realm/vol5

January 1649: An Act prohibiting the proclaiming any person to be King England or Ireland, or the Dominions thereof.
Act abolishing the Office of King (1648/9, March 17. Scobell, ii. 7. Gardiner 384-387.)


Worksafe New Zealand v National Emergency Management Agency [2022] NZDC 8020 Published 16 May 2022

Section 36 (2) Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 - Primary duty of care
(2) A PCBU must ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that the health and safety of other persons is not put at risk from work carried out as part of the conduct of the business or undertaking.

Section 12(2)(c) Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 - Application of Act to prescribed high-risk plant
(c) to work health and safety (however expressed) includes a reference to public health and safety.
This is the only place in the Act using the words ‘public health’ https://www.legislation.govt.nz/act/public/2015/0070/latest/DLM5976681.html

National Emergency Management Agency

Health Act 1956 – search within Act for ‘public health’

Section 9 WorkSafe New Zealand Act 2013 - WorkSafe New Zealand’s main objective
(1) WorkSafe New Zealand’s main objective is to promote and contribute to a balanced framework for securing the health and safety of workers and workplaces.

Section 29 Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 - Insurance against fines unlawful

COVID-19 Research at the Integrated Research Facility at Fort Detrick

Worksafe fined businesses over mandates - Business penalised for not meeting vaccination requirements

From the chat:






List of current heads of state and government

Blacks law dictionary 4th edition
“SOVEREIGN”.. no such thing as sovereign citizen

An Act Declaring and Constituting the People of England to be a Commonwealth and Free-State (1649)

'Introduction', in Acts and Ordinances of the Interregnum, 1642-1660, ed. C H Firth and R S Rait (London, 1911), pp. iii-xxxviii. British History Online

Long v. Rasmussen: Acknowledging the existence of Legal Non-Taxpayers

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