What Side of History Will You Be On? Teachers Protest Outside QLD Parliament

1 year ago

This speech was raw. It was from my heart. And it burned with righteous indignation.

It was Wednesday 31 August 2022 and the Queensland government had just announced that state school teachers returning to schools — after the removal of unconscionable Covid 'vaccine' mandates — would now be punished with a pay reduction.

As a teacher of 23 years, I called out the social credit score system we were getting a taste of, and the "soulless, loveless, godless, socialist, AI-driven, new world order." In the face of such blatant tyranny and oppression, I appealed to Australians to decide what side of history they wanted to be on.

I encouraged those who had been standing, against all odds, and acknowledged the righteous resistance that had risen up in our nation.

"Your conscience is intact. Your bodily integrity is intact. People should be thanking you. There’s a reason why some semblance of choice has been restored. It’s because of the righteous resistance that rose up in this nation, that they had no idea was there."

When I watch this speech, it still brings tears to my eyes.

It was a divinely orchestrated day. Just before I got up to speak, a class from my old school (Emmanuel College) walked through the crowd.

Emmanuel means, ‘God is with us.' A sign.

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Love you all. Keep the faith. We win.

Dylan Oakley

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