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Living Among Lions (6/1/23)

1 year ago

Jason's internet was not cooperating well this week so there will be a few times he cuts out and you can't hear him...sorry about that! Will be better next week! The links to his three bible studies will be below as well.

Here’s what we’ll be discussing today:

Rising Debt Ceiling
The Qualification For Leadership (Joshua 4:2)
Reverence Over Relevance (Joshua 6:2)
Overcoming Temptation (Joshua 7:20-21)

** You can listen to all our Living Among Lions studies by downloading our app at https://subsplash.com/benhambrothers/download-app
*** Follow us on socials @BenhamBrothers or visit our website at www.BenhamBrothers.com
***Get the audio version of Jason's three Bible studies at https://subsplash.com/benhambrothers/studies/ms/+f106433

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