Marines Beaten in San Clemente - Attacked by Teen Mob

11 months ago
151 Use code: YT10 for 10% off. So while we were remembering and honoring our fallen heroes this past Memorial Day weekend, others were beating them up. That's right, on Friday night, three U.S. Marines on leave from Camp Pendleton, California, were assaulted by a mob of up to 30 teenagers at the San Clemente, California, Pier Bowl. Why? Well, according to one Marine, the kids were lighting off fireworks, causing debris to scatter and hit people. The Marines told them, "Knock it off!" - a reasonable request. But the kids didn't like being told that, so they followed the Marines, swarmed them, threw them to the ground, and started beating them up, hitting and kicking them repeatedly. Thankfully, the Ocean County Sheriff's Department showed up, preventing further harm. While the investigation is ongoing, one deputy said they considered this assault with a deadly weapon, as the Marines were being stomped with boots.

Well, that's California, you say. Yes, it is. But it's not just California; it's happening everywhere our lawmakers have failed to enforce law and order. Cities like San Clemente, San Francisco, Philadelphia, Chicago, and Baltimore have experienced out-of-control teenage mobs turning once hospitable areas into gang-infested war zones. In fact, the mayor of Baltimore recently enacted a curfew from 11 p.m. to 6 a.m. all summer long for kids aged 14 to 16. For those under 13, the curfew starts at 9. While this is a good start, it's important to recognize that curfews alone won't fix the problem. They only address the symptoms, not the root cause.

To truly address the issue, we would need to fix our values as a nation, promoting respect for others, obedience to laws, and contributions to society. However, it seems unlikely that we can easily change our values on a large scale. Therefore, the only possible solution may be to forcefully reestablish and restore law and order. This would require a firm, unwavering commitment to reestablish acceptable, civil, and humane conduct. Somewhere along the way, too many people have lost the value system that distinguishes right from wrong. Even if it was a minority that didn't receive proper values instilled in them while growing up, the strong arm of the law used to bring them back in line and make them accountable for their transgressions. However, that has changed today.

As our cities have vilified and defunded the police, refused to prosecute criminals, and portrayed the good guys as bad, it's no wonder our society is falling apart. Our cities are deteriorating at their core, and fewer people want to become police officers. They face name-calling, disrespect, penalties, and even trials for simply doing their job, not to mention the life-threatening situations where they are targeted by criminals who are literally trying to kill them. It's no surprise that the retention and recruitment numbers for law enforcement officers have significantly decreased.

So why am I telling you all this? Well, because you need to be smart and prepared. All it takes is a tweet for a bunch of delinquents to randomly pick your street address for their next spontaneous mob. So here are some pointers:

First, stay away from bad places. We all know which areas tend to be dangerous, so it's best to avoid them altogether.
Second, always have a buddy with you. Don't go anywhere alone, especially if you're a woman. Having someone else with you significantly reduces the chances of being targeted. It's just common sense.
Number three, stay alert. Keep your head on a swivel, know your escape routes, and think ahead about your next moves.
If trouble breaks out and you're at home or in your neighborhood, I urge you to stay inside. Stay low and let the troublemakers pass. They're looking for trouble and will use any excuse to target you. Even if they vandalize your property or provoke you, it's best to let them go. Chances are, they'll move on.
Finally, call the police. Let them handle the situation. Hopefully, they will respond quickly. Sirens and lights tend to deter the bad guys. This solution has worked for many years.
Folks, the bottom line is that this country isn't what it used to be. It has fallen apart, and it may seem beyond repair. However, I'm not giving up, and I hope you won't either. We need to stick together because if we don't, the America we love will be lost. So, what do you think, Wolfpack? Is it too late? What can we do to bring our nation back? And what advice do you have to stay safe when all else fails? Please share your comments below, and make sure to subscribe, turn on the notification bell, and hit that like button. Until next time, be ready, be strong, be alert, and keep on prepping.

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