SoulCast - Law of Reflection

1 year ago

This week I introduce the Law of Reflection, also known as “As Within, So Without.” I share an introduction to the Seven Gifts that only you can give yourself first before you can give them to and receive them from others.

These gifts include Self-Love, Self-Acceptance, Self-Approval, Self-Appreciation, Self-Respect, Self-Value and Self-Trust.
It is important to love yourself. Through the power of love, you can heal yourself and your life.

This week and for the days ahead you get to add an attitude of gratitude and playfulness into every day. It’s time to be joyful and discover your bliss. Stepping out into nature is a good way to keep your vibration high.

Go outside and allow your bare feet to connect and ground with Mother Earth. Allow yourself to entrain with her heartbeat as she can bring balance into your body, chakras, circulation, hormones, and breath. Send her love and gratitude as she blesses your life, and you bless hers.

This week is also a time to get your preparation completed. Stock up on food, water, medicine, cash, silver etc. After the middle of June, it will be more difficult to get these things.

Homework: Watch the first few SoulCast videos to get the names of the crystals I mentioned and look up their properties and see how each one of those can support and bless your life.

You can find me at:
• Website:
• Questions:
• Social Media: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Telegram and Truth Social @Soululaire
• Love and Gratitude Jar: Venmo @Soululaire-1

Have an Playful, Enchanting, Blissful week.
Love you,

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