Rob McConnell Interviews - MARK ANTHONY - The Afterliife Frequency

1 year ago

Mark Anthony, JD, Psychic Explorer (aka The Psychic Lawyer® Psychic Attorney and Psychic Adventurer), is a world-renowned fourth generation science based evidential psychic medium who communicates with spirits. He is the author of the groundbreaking and critically acclaimed spiritual bestsellers The Afterlife Frequency, Evidence of Eternity and Never Letting Go.Mark’s credentials and experience are unparalleled in the paranormal world. He is an Oxford educated trial attorney licensed to practice in Florida, Washington D.C., and before the United States Supreme Court. In England he studied Mediumship at the prestigious Arthur Findlay College for the Advancement of Psychic Science.Dr. Gary Schwartz, Professor of Psychology, Medicine, Neurology, Psychiatry and Surgery at the University of Arizona and Director of the Laboratory for Advances in Consciousness and Health is one of the foremost experts on Survival of Consciousness and After Death Communication in the world. Dr. Schwartz studies psychic mediums and has ranked Mark as one of the top mediums in the United States.

Mark is a recurring guest on ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX Television, The 'X' Zone with Rob McConnell, Gaia TV and on major talk radio shows such as Coast to Coast AM, Darkness Radio, and Sirius XM as a psychic medium, paranormal and after death communication expert and legal analyst in high profile cases.Mark was featured on the covers of OMTimes Magazine and Best Holistic Life Magazine-which was the top selling and most popular edition of Best Holistic Life to date.He has also been featured in The Hollywood Times, The Huffington Post, The New York Post, Publisher’s Weekly, Writer’s Digest, Soeleish Magazines, Authority Magazine, Entrepreneurs Magazine, Conscious Community Magazine, Elephant Journal, LifeStyle Magazine, New Spirit Journal, Horizon’s Magazine, The Inquisitr, Staten Island Today, Sedona Red Rock News, Elite Man Magazine, Natural Awakenings, Verde Independent, Infinity Magazine (Canada), Psychic News (UK), Spirituality Today (UK), Soul & Spirit (UK), MysticMag (South Africa) and Quest: Journal of the Theosophical Society in Amercia.A charismatic, intelligent and humorous accomplished public speaker, Mark headlines at conventions, expos and spiritual organizations such as the Edgar Cayce A.R.E., IANDS (International Association for Near-Death Studies), Afterlife Research Education Institute (AREI), The Theosophical Society, Spiritual Awakenings International, Helping Parents Heal, Sedona Spirit Symposium, Vail Symposium and universities including Brown, Columbia, Harvard and Yale.

This “Psychic Explorer” has an extensive background in science, quantum physics, survival of consciousness and near death experiences, history, archaeology, philosophy and theology. One day Mark is lecturing at an Ivy League University about Quantum Physics and the next off to mystical locations in remote corners of the world to explore Ancient Ruins and Supernatural Phenomena–plus he’s got a great sense of humor!Never Letting Go has been recommended by hospices and grief counselors worldwide. This healing and inspirational book is the definitive guide to healing grief with help from the Other Side. This book takes an inter-faith approach and is for anyone coping with the loss of a loved one. Evidence of Eternity is a groundbreaking and uplifting journey into the afterlife which the removes fear and superstition surrounding spirit contact. This book is intelligent, entertaining in style and presents the scientific basis and theories concerning life after death, spirit communication (both human and animal), karma, and reincarnation. Evidence of Eternity is one of the few books of its genre to be considered for a Pulitzer Prize. It has been released in several languages and is now available as an audio download.

The Afterlife Frequency is a riveting adventure that reads like a juicy novel transporting the reader around the globe and from the cosmic to the subatomic into the human soul itself. Mark reveals how the human experience encompasses Spirit Communication, whether through a medium, Near-Death Experience, Death Bed Vision or visitation from spirits of loved ones. The Afterlife Frequency presents scientific proof spirit communication isn’t paranormal or supernatural but a normal part of human nature and a powerful instrument of healing and love.The Afterlife Frequency has been endorsed by the world’s top Survival of Consciousness scientists. It has also been recommended by spiritual icon, film legend and academy award winning actor Shirley MacLaine. The Afterlife Frequency is a riveting and healing adventure which takes around the globe and from the cosmic to the subatomic, into the human soul itself.THIS CRITICALLY ACCLAIMED BESTSELLER HAS WON:OMMIE Award Metaphysical Book of the Year,BEST HOLISTIC LIFE Award Inspirational Book of Year, COVR (Coalition of Visionary Resources) Award Best Reincarnation Death & Grieving Book.The Afterlife Frequency has been designated by PrettyProgressive as one of the top books about faith in God. Like Evidence of Eternity this book was also one of the few books in the metaphysical genre which has been considered for a Pulitzer Prize.Mark’s life mission is to use his abilities to assist those suffering with grief caused by the loss of a loved one by connecting them with loved ones in spirit to prove the existence of the Afterlife and eternal nature of the soul.

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