Bunker In My Backyard - The ATLAS 10 x 21 Culvert Shelter

6 years ago

Take a tour of a very nice 10 x 21 Culvert Shelter that was made for just 2 people that has plenty of space and we took out 1 set of the bunk beds and put a desk in its place. Also, meet "Billy BombProof" and his introduction to his new HILARIOUS YouTube Channel that covers OUTDOOR and SURVIVAL GEAR.

To order your Survival Food visit:

Atlas Survival Shelters
7407 Telegraph Road,
Montebello, CA 90640
# (323) 727-7084

Website - http://www.atlassurvivalshelters.com

Ron Hubbard
President/CEO & Founder
Email - ron@atlassurvivalshelters.com

On Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/pages/Atlas-Survival-Shelters/396118537110586

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