Q&A Webinar from May 31, 2023

11 months ago

To learn more about our newest initiative, the New Biology Curriculum (open to everyone) click here: https://newbiologycurriculum.com/

We also launched two new products today, Polyrhachis Ant Spagyric Tincture and Shilajit 3X Strength. You can learn more by clicking the links below:

We also held a q&a session, questions are below:
1. Would Tom please talk about basal cell carcinoma and what healing modalities he would recommend?
2. What of "mosquito-borne illness"? Mosquitos have been implicated for decades in being a major disease vector, with most of the diseases (not including malaria) claimed to be of viral origin. Are mosquitos making people sick?
3. Weston Price said that poor diet was the main cause of dental decay in western countries. If the bacteria identified as the cause by the dental profession are simply the 'cleanup crew' for the dead and dying tissue, what specifically causes the localized breakdown of a tooth in the first place? If there's a systemic issue, why don't all teeth suffer similarly?
4. Can you please share the reasoning behind "drinking alkaline water, between pH 7.4 - 8.0, is healthy?
5. Could you speak about Tuberculosis from a “new biology” perspective – reasoning, treatment, etc.?
6. Can you speak on what you know about anxiety? Does this symptom involve a degradation of tissue? Is it simply bad thoughts? Does one approach combating anxiety in the same way as you would any other named symptom or "disease"?
7. Regarding the body being a bio electromagnetic field (and not a chemistry set), can we still expect clay and iodine to be protective against radiation?
8. Would you please talk about bacterial infections such as diphtheria, listeria, staphylococcus, anthrax, clostridia..etc ?
9. Does he have knowledge or experience using copper wrapped sticks to assist with gardening or to minimize artificial clouds?
10. Could you speak about chlorine dioxide?

To submit questions for future webinars, please email customersupport@drtomcowan.com

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