Your Coming Summer of Blackouts - In The Tank #400

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The Heartland Institute's Donald Kendal, Jim Lakely, and Justin Haskins are joined by the Center of the American Experiment's Isaac Orr for episode 400 of the In The Tank Podcast. A new batch of regulations imposed by the Biden Administration are going to result in more strain on the already taxed energy grid. With the summer heat coming, should we brace ourselves for waves of black and brownouts? How crippling to our energy grid will these new regulations be?

PRIMARY TOPIC - Your Coming Summer of Blackouts

WSJ - Your Coming Summer of Blackouts

Fox News - Biden's radical green energy policies strain our electric grids. Here's how bad it will get if they continue

IER - EPA’s “Good Neighbor” Rule Increases the Cost of Electricity for Consumers

CAE - Biden Blackouts: EPA’s mercury rules could mean lights out for Minnesota, MISO, for no measurable environmental benefits

NERC - Two-thirds of North America Faces Reliability Challenges in the Event of Widespread Heatwaves's%202023%20Summer,at%20elevated%20risk%20has%20increased.

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