Ostracized After No Contact? How your Narcissistic Family's Love Turns into Hate | Podcast Edition

1 year ago

Inside narcissistic families lies enough dysfunction that Hollywood movies would be able to write dramas on it for years to come, oh wait, they already do this!

In this video, we are going to talk about what happens after you (the scapegoat) stand up for yourself within the realm of a narcissistic extended family, have gone no contact with one (or more) individuals, and then have come to find out the rest of the family has ostracized you. What the heck happened?

Let’s break down the multiple layers of dysfunction going on behind the scenes in layers causing one confusing mess for those involved. The dysfunction is deliberate, carefully crafted, and orchestrated by those who wish to cause you harm, yes hatred, even from family.

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#shunned #dysfunctionalfamily #narcissisticfamily

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