Self Publishing DOs and DONTs

1 year ago

Thinking about starting the self-publishing process?

I have self-published 3 books and numerous magazines and have spent tens of thousands of dollars in the process. I’ve also made tons of mistakes or gained many lessons learned, depending nohow you look at it.

I’m currently self-publishing book #4 and let me tell you, the process is going a lot smoother and costing a lot less money this time around because of what I’ve learned over the years.

In this video, I’m sharing DOs and DONTs of self-publishing so you can save yourself some big frustrations!

Watch the video and learn:

* the biggest mistake self-publishers make before the project starts
* the most important person you need to hire to help you
* when to start marketing your self-published book
* an easy way to start marketing on social media
* mistakes to avoid when it comes to editing and design
* much more!

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