Eat My Flesh & Drink My Blood Literal True Prescence major problems to say John 6 is Symbolic

1 year ago

226 views Mar 26, 2023
Eat My Flesh & Drink My Blood Literal True Prescence major problems to say John 6 is Symbolic
• Eat My Flesh & Dr...
Protestantism have a major problems in trying to say John 6 is Symbolic
the disciples, Jews, apostles and the church from the get go took Christs words literally in John 6.

Christ tells us he is the new manna from heaven. if the New manna is just symbolic that would mean the miraculous OT manna that rained down from heaven for forty years is superior to the symbolic non miraculous manna
Paul references the manna as spiritual food yet the manna fed the Jews in 1Cor 10:3-4, and the water from the rock as spiritual drink. Spiritual does not imply symbolism by any stretch of the imagination Spiritual or “my words are spirit” just means there is more than just the physical here.
Protestantism have a major problems in trying to say John 6 is Symbolic

One final point
It is important to understand the Road Block here.

Protestants like the Jews and Disciples find is the eating of the flesh and blood of Christ is a hard saying, It is really REPUGNANT and runs against human Nature, But Not against Godly Nature.

What is failed to be understood is that we are consuming Christs Life saving Resurrected Body, Blood soul and Divinity. So Gods blood will run in our veins, So His flesh will blend with our flesh, so His soul will blend with our soul, so as second Peter chapter1: verse 4 states we are to become partakers of the Divine Nature
We do not receive the Eucharist because we are Good, We Go to Become Good
We receive the Body Blood, Soul, and Divinity To be Transformed, to become Christ like and it does not get more PERSONAL than that...

18,758 views Oct 8, 2007

2 minute apologetics by John Martignoni, president of the Bible Christian Society.
• Eat My Flesh & Dr...
/ crimsoncatholic
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two minute apolegetics John Martignoni

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