2019 Guy Giard AATH Chicago - Too Soon or Too Late - Reconnecting with Your Authentic Self

1 year ago

2019 Guy Giard AATH Chicago - Too Soon or Too Late - Reconnecting with Your Authentic Self

International Therapeutic Clown, Author and Patch Adams disciple Guy Giard shares a powerful story of how humor healed childhood trauma and became a source of inspiration.

The Association for Applied and Therapeutic Humor is a non-profit organization dedicated to the study and application of humor to effect positive change. The strategic use of humor sparks connection, increases influence, improves communication and can be used as a competitive advantage in any industry. What’s more, humor provides innumerable benefits to our overall health and well-being, including reduced stress, greater resilience, decreased depressive symptoms, and even increased pain tolerance.

You can buy his memoir on Amazon here: https://amzn.to/3jUsLRL


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