WealthWellnessWednesday with Dr. Heather Awad

1 year ago

TwoSistas welcomed to this WealthWellnessWednesday podcast, Episode #636 on May 31, 2023, Dr. Heather Awad. Dr. Awad is a family doctor in Minnesota who helps professional women over age 50 find permanent weight loss.

Dr. Awad’s approach to permanent weight loss not only comes from being a physician but from her own journey as well. While everyone is very unique and different, it is important to know that short term results are just that - short term. (Dr. Awad stressed of course that she does not like this approach!) What is lacking for most is the approach to wellness and keeping the commitment to ourselves to reach our goals.

The emotional attachment to food vs our body’s need for energy is a complicated process. It all starts with small changes. For instance, Dr. Awad recommended that we space an adequate amount of time between our meals. This gives your digestive system a chance to calm down. She also suggested not eating while in front of the TV (for various reasons of course.)

Dr. Award further recommended that if you are feeling stuck, one thing that you can look at first is your sugar intake. For example, are there added sugars in the spices that you use, etc.? This requires you to make sure that you read the labels.

Living a healthy lifestyle does not have to be as complicated. It starts with taking small steps. What’s your goal with your wellness journey? Are you willing to hold yourself accountable to reach those goals? Yes; it can be hard but we know you can!

To learn more about Dr. Awad and to connect with her further, please check out her website and other social media platforms:






Thank you Dr. Awad! Let us know what you thought of today’s episode. Please go to our website and leave us a voice message:


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