Murder Houses in Real Estate

1 year ago

A house where a murder was committed would be just one example of a stigmatized property.
Houses that were the site of grisly crimes or murder can lose 10% to 25% of their value but the stigma can go away almost entirely after 10 to 25 years.
You might be able to get a good deal on a stigmatized property but you will have a tougher time reselling the house.
Legally required disclosures vary from state to state. In general, the seller is not required to tell you the property was the scene of a infamous murder or crime unless the death is directly related to the condition or location of the house. I do not think many realtors would hide the fact the property is stigmatized, because, after all, you would just hear it from the neighbors.
Almost 60% of stigmatized houses are home to regular people. Only about 20% of these homes are purchased by corporate entities for investment purposes.
When you ask people this question, the amount of people saying they would buy a murder house is very telling about the state of the real estate market.
If you have an older house, it is highly likely that someone died in it at some point.
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