Chik-Fil-A Hates White People - Boycott Chik-Fil-A

1 year ago

Chick-Fil-A hates white people. And here's the stupid white fool cuckhold loser who wants you to know that he hates you if you are white! His name is Dan Cathy and he is a stupid white savior, fake Christian, and a real fraud. If you buy anything from Chik-Fil-A you are supporting Anti-White Racist White idiots and putting money in their pocket. Come on Over to Chik-Fil-A because Chik-Fil-A hates White People.

#chikfila #boycottchikfila #chikfilaboycott #dancathy #dancathysucks #dancathycuck #chikfilafraud #chickfilasucks #chikfilahateswhitepeople #boycotttheleft #boycotteverything #fake #fraud #antiwhitetracism #antiwhitness #chikfilabrush #yousuck #racetraitor #stupidwhiteman

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