Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 5-31-23: Alien Invasion

1 year ago

The topic of angels, fallen angels, and aliens with their UFOs is of paramount importance in these last days. Going back to time immemorial, various peoples have seen unexplained aerial phenomena and encountered strange beings not of this earth. We know Biblically, that God has come down to this world at times in a chariot of fire and has appeared to men as a man, although fantastically glorious to behold. What most people in the church don’t really apprehend is that beyond the person of Satan, there are many more divine entities operating in, over, and under this world which don’t have the best interests of humanity in mind – if fact, their demonic objective is to steal from, kill, and destroy the human population just as the Bible describes is Satan’s goal.

In many instances throughout history, rebellious spiritual entities, a.k.a. sons of God, a.k.a. Watchers, a.k.a. fallen angels, have appeared as angels of light. They entice men and women to follow their teachings while at the same time drawing them away from the One who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. These demonic beings want nothing more than to keep people from saving faith in Jesus Christ, or perhaps worse, cause them to renounce their great salvation in Him.

Probably the worst offender in this regard is the being or beings that appear to those who generally follow Catholic doctrine. This entity shows itself to be Mary – Mother Mary – the mother of Jesus. She speaks, prophesies, and displays little curiosities that people look on as miracles, such as a statue of Mary weeping, the seeping of a seemingly inexhaustible source of oil flowing from a picture of Mary, or the image of Mary appearing with the baby Jesus on a tortilla – yes, I’m serious.

More impressive are what are known as Marian apparitions, described as follows by Wikipedia:

Marian apparitions are reported supernatural appearances by Mary, mother of Jesus, or a series of related such appearances during a period of time. These appearances are often paired with some type of message Our Lady wants to communicate and can be anywhere from one short appearance to several over the course of years. To be classified as a Marian apparition, the person or persons who claim to see Mary must claim that they see her visually located in their environment. If the person claims to hear Mary but not see her, this is known as an interior locution, not an apparition.

A couple of the most famous of the apparitions were Our Lady of Lourdes in France in 1858 and Our Lady of Fatima in Portugal in 1917. Inevitably, the focus is not on Jesus with these very public visitations, but they often do speak of wars, countries like Russia, and other prophetic issues.

So, our questions for this Prophecy Update are: What are these novelties? What are the primary manifestations of the demonic today? Where do they lead?


LA Marzulli Disclosure DVDs

Alien Revelation – Gary Ritter

Mary & Jesus on a tortilla

Marian apparitions

UFO polls

Portals – Douglas Richards

Gary Ritter website: books & blog

Please note that the transcript is available on my website blog under the post with the same title.

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