Vivek Ramaswamy on The Next Revolution: Gaining Campaign Momentum 5.28.23

1 year ago

Join Vivek Ramaswamy as he makes a compelling appearance on Fox News' The Next Revolution with Steve Hilton. With recent national polls showing Vivek at an impressive 8%, he shares an exciting update on the progress of his campaign.

During the interview, Vivek dives into a critical issue plaguing our government—the administrative class. He passionately advocates for the shutdown of this bureaucratic stronghold, a move that would eliminate a staggering 75% of federal bureaucratic employment. By relocating federal agencies outside of the confines of Washington, D.C. and implementing term limits for federal employees, Vivek aims to combat corruption and create a more efficient and effective government.

Vivek's vision for America shines through as he emphasizes the importance of increasing and renewing our national American identity. By challenging the status quo and dismantling the administrative class, he aims to revitalize the core principles that our great nation was built upon.

Join the conversation and witness Vivek Ramaswamy's dedication to bringing meaningful change to our government. Don't miss out on this engaging discussion that offers a glimpse into the future of American politics.

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