bones to pick with nRX/post-liberals philosophically, but a few shoutouts to some good ones

1 year ago

the prudentialist, good NRX/neoreactionary youtuber, I liked his critique of james lindsay, it says something that I couldn't find words for on james lindsay even though I love his formulation of "the gnostic parasite" lecture

patrick deneen, not a fan, just like I don't like john gray

lotus eaters, big fans of them, still think carl benjamin/sargon of akkad is making a mistake in going postliberal as opposed to finding a matching brand of fusion of con and lib, but he's got some fairly reasonable takes

the distributist, also a good one

morgoth's review, he doesn't try to systematize his ideology, he sort of has a theory but he embodies it moreso, which I believe is the primary ethical manner of an nRX

I kinda hate this guy but if you want to know what he thinks, here's auron macintyre, who knows though, at the very least he's the gateway to the other nRX I don't mind so much but I just hate his smug smarmy style of self righteousness, maybe it's a pride thing in that I hate seeing pride in others because I have a lot of it myself, but who knows

accelerationism topic video of mine

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