1 year ago

Hello there – hi nice guess what we’re talking about it but we can’t eat it today you can eat today but we’re talking about this but not actually cheating we’re talking about serving sizes portion compulsion control so when we first started losing weight we didn’t change anything that we were eating all

We did was change the portion sizes we didn’t know anything about how to lose weight or where to start so we taught ourselves portion control we started reading the nutrition labels and just eating the recommended serving size on the back and we got a major shock as to what we were eating

Most people just like you know go to their kitchen for breakfast lunch dinner or whatever and scoop out whatever and then eat it and what they don’t realize is they’re probably eating way more than a serving so what we used to do is we would go and pour ourselves a bowl

Something that looks like this what an actual portion size of cereal is anywhere from two-thirds to one cup this is what one cup of cereal looks like so you can tell the major major difference if all you do when you first start out is change the amount that you’re

Eating your body is going to be a shock because it’s going to be taking him way away and anything other than that for us and for our head in the beginning was way too overwhelming so portion control was perfect for us and it really kicked off our weight loss big-time yes because

You’re still enjoying all the foods that you love and portion control enables you to still eat treats you’re just eating portions of it you’re eating a small blizzard from Dairy Queen or half a cup of ice cream from a tub from theirs or whatever you’re eating two

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