Recognise and utilise your transferable skills

1 year ago

When we face situations, we should face them with the entirety of who we are and that includes all of our experiences. Society teaches us that some things are negative that we have experienced but some of the coping mechanisms we acquired from those challenges can be used for situations where conventional thinking won't help us.

If it has been done and you're making a decision not to give up and to remain committed to your routine through tried and tested tactics, you will inevitably be successful.

Nobody can name your date or hour but you will be successful and what most people won't tell you is that right as you feel at your lowest and the future seems darker than its ever been, you're closer than ever to realising your vision.

How do you know when you're 180m into a 200m race when you're running in the dark? This is why the SigmaCarta community is there to enable us on our collective journeys.

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