The 3 Defining Characteristics of Marxists

1 year ago

The 3 Defining Personal Characteristics of Marxists

There are 3 defining characteristics that all Marxists share. There is a wide variety in personality types among Marxists. Some are smart, some are stupid. Some are perceptive and understanding of human nature. Some are ridiculously naïve. Some are sincere in their belief of a perfect classless society, and some are just grifters who see an opportunity for personal enrichment. Not to mention a wide range of personal preferences concerning entertainment, recreation, food, and style. However, there are 3 defining core characteristics that control Marxists’ behavior. Core elements of their personality. Once you understand this, so much of what they do and why they do it will snap into focus.

We have to first define what we mean by “Marxist”. I use the term because it is more inclusive and broadly defined as these are broad categories of personality traits. It’s also to eliminate confusion as Marxists constantly refer to themselves through different terms. “Communist” fell out of favor so they used terms like “Socialist” or “Progressive”. For a while, Social Justice was their term, now it’s “woke”. Some of them have already started complaining about this term as well. I have decided to use Marxist as a catchall term since, regardless of what shell game they like to play with terminology, it is all derived from Marxism. To clarify, we define Marxist as anyone who adheres to or promotes Marxist Ideology in any form or subset. This includes Communists, Maoists, Neo-Progressives, Social Justice Warriors, Intersectional Feminists, Black nationalists, Black Lives Matter activists, Antifa, Gender Ideology activists, Leftists, and any other label they might concoct.

I do NOT use this term to refer to anyone who votes Democrat, votes other Leftwing parties, or spouts off Marxist talking points. These days it has become trendy to mindlessly regurgitate Marxist catchphrases, assure your allegiance to Leftwing Causes, and express disdain for non-Marxists. A lot of this is just done to fit in or avoid negative consequences. These are not true believers. Many of them are just spewing bullshit they don’t understand or care about to keep from getting blacklisted or facing the mob. These 3 core personality elements are only certain to apply to the faithful. The more faithful the Marxist, the more these characteristics will assert themselves.

• Characteristic #1: An unearned sense of Superiority
• Characteristic #2: A strong tendency towards Sadism and/or Cruelty
• Characteristic #3: A strong lack of personal integrity.
This isn’t a deep dive. I only provided a few examples because I wanted to keep the video short, mostly because I’m lazy. But I encourage you to take another critical look at the behavior the Left today. You will see a constant re-emergence of these traits. Once you see it you can’t unsee it.

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