I solved my lower back pain in 48 hours by doing THIS

1 year ago

A couple days ago, I had some lower back pain which has been recurring for over a decade now. 48 hours later, I was able to solve it. This video shares exactly how I did it.

Story time:

My back pain issues all started back in mid-2013...

I was at this fitness club with a couple friends and thought it would be a good idea to show off my super cool deadlift strength.

We started off with 135lbs and we were able to lift it no problem for a handful of reps to get things moving.

Then we bumped it up another 50 pounds and we could all lift that no problem too.

(by the way, I just recently hit a PR of 225lbs not too long before this point...)

Then we put another plate on each side and I thought the plate math added up to something I could do...

So when it was my turn, I walked up to the bar.

I bent down, gripped tight, and started pulling with all my might.

Before I could get the bar halfway to my knees, I heard a pop and immediately dropped the bar.

I just single-handedly ended my own lifting career.

(or was it double-handedly since I used 2 hands?)


I hobbled around and spectated until we were done, and could barely walk myself out the gym.

Once I got home?

I self-prescribed bed rest since that's what we're supposed to do with an injury, right?

Well... maybe, maybe not...

After a week of being in pain and sleeping terribly, I woke up one day and decided to go back to the gym.

I took it easy and did what I could with the Stronglifts 5x5 program which had me squatting 3 times per week and deadlifting 1-2 times per week along with everything else on the program.

Within a week or two...

My back pain was gone.

Must have been all that rest...

Or could it have been the extra blood flow to the muscle and joints that sped up the healing?

I'm leaning toward the latter.

Especially because I dealt with something similar, although not nearly as painful, only a couple days ago.

And this morning, I was able to squat and deadlift without much of an issue.

To be clear, I'm not a doctor or physical therapist and I'm not saying to exercise through injuries...

I'm just sharing what I did which helped my specific case.

And in today's vlog, I documented the whole process of going from back pain to back gains in just 48 hours.

I also build some more furniture to furnish my apartment one piece at a time.

Progressive apartment overload?


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Talk soon,

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