E003 : Intro to the 3rd member of our team & Pan-African Award Winner.. getting ready to Rumble

1 year ago

In this video clip: Leigh Harrison (co-founder WISDOMS™ DifferenceMaker™) shares her belief that ‘we all actually want to make a difference’, and that where most get stuck is ‘we don’t know where to start’. Leigh points out that the DifferenceMakers™ In Every City project creates a spark and gives people a platform to begin with and build upon.. to grow from humble beginnings to big & bold projects that make a positive impact in your city and around the world.

Unique. Rare. 1 In A Million. Become No.1 DifferenceMaker™ in YOUR city.
"one in a million" - extraordinary; very special; rare; exceptionally good; unusually excellent; often used to describe a person who has a quality or talent that makes them stand out from others.

Are YOU the ONE?

Are YOU the ONE we're looking for?

Are YOU the No.1 WISDOMS™ DifferenceMaker™ in YOUR city?
Unique. Rare. 1 In A Million. Become No.1 DifferenceMaker™ in YOUR city. : https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/unique-rare-1-million-become-no1-differencemaker-your-city/
WISDOMS™ website : https://wisdoms123.com
Inspiration: What Fires YOU Up? : https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/inspiration-what-fires-you-up-wisdoms123/
Positive Impact - What YOU Can Do Now To Influence The Next 1000 Years : https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/positive-impact-what-you-can-do-now-influence-next-1000-years/

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