Unlock Your Potential as a Community Manager

1 year ago

Unlock Your Potential as a Community Manager at SAP! 🌟✨

Step into the world of community management and witness its profound impact on brand influence and customer satisfaction.

Join me on an enthralling episode of the RH podcast with the incredible Dani Weinstein, where we hear from an industry expert who has successfully built and scaled communities for renowned unicorns like domo and Caltura.

Discover their journey from ground floor to IPO and their current role as Director of Community at SAP. 

Whole period allowed me to really learn the basics around managing community and how does it influence the brand and how does it benefit your customer base.

And so from there, I went up to two unicorns, domo PREIPO and the data analytics base I built up their community from the ground floor, their Superfan program, their advocacy program, went through the IPO, had great success with Domo, and then from there, I went over to Caltura, another unicorn pre IPO, and started the journey there.

And so I joined SAP about nine months ago, a little more than nine months ago, in August of 22, and was hired as their director of Community.

Tune in now! 🎧

🔗 Link to the episode: https://www.recursive.house/rh-podcast/dani-weinstein 🎙️

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