A key Take away from the Reclaim Conference in Victoria with Serena FreedomBear Winterburn

1 year ago

The We Unify https://www.weunify.ca/ “Reclaim Canada Conference “was held in Victoria, BC from Friday May 26, to Sunday May 23, 2023. The conference generated a number of good Key Take aways. The lead off panel on the media generated the first good take away. With the legacy media not reporting the news and for all intents and purpose dead. The alternative media or new media in its many forms has emerged into the vacuum left by the legacy media.
The key take away for some was the new media has to work together to promote the news and information. This is an area where both those that produce the new media and the consumers can work together to promote the news.
One of the first presenters and panellist at the media table was Serena “Freedombear: Winterburn. Ms Winterburn is a prolific example of the new media independent journalist.. She regular posts on several media platforms. Her Facebook page is Coffeetime with Freedombear, https://www.facebook.com/serenafreedombear/videos/coffeetime-with-freedombear-the-plot-thickens/499170868790818/ , Tik Tok https://www.tiktok.com/@serenafreedombear on youtube she can be found at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L-lngC14Dbw and she recently started a twitter account at https://twitter.com/SerenaFBear @fBear

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