NEW Pistol Brace Option! Final Words Before D-Day

1 year ago

D-Day is almost here: May 31st, 2023 when the ATF Pistol Brace rule grace period ends... and the enforcement action can begin. The final deadline to use the eform website to submit your form 1s under the "amnesty" is here... but so are some other interesting options.

The Firearms Policy Coalition won an injunction from the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals in the Mock v. Garland case that affirmed that the rule will not apply to FPC members... but is that ALL members? FPC seems to think so, and I believe they may be right. But there are broadly 3 classes of members:

1) People who were members of FPC when FPC filed their lawsuit
2) People who were members of FPC when the injunction was ordered
3) People who became members after both 1 and 2 above.

Does the injunction cover all 3? For a $30 membership fee, should we really care? Frankly, I think everyone should join FPC and Gun Owners of America (GOA) at baseline and this is just a great perk. But the question persists.

Well, there are still a few lawsuits out there, GOA v. ATF, Britto v. Garland and others. There is a chance that a judge COULD issue a similar rule in the GOA v. ATF case and as a result, at time of filming, you could STILL join GOA and become a class 2 member like above.... it's $25. Again, if you can, both of these organizations can definitely use your support and they have certainly earned our support.

Link to Mock v. Garland Court Documents for your own research

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Legal Disclaimer: nothing in this video is offered as legal advice or a formation of attorney-client relationship. This video is for entertainment and education purposes only and all videos and images shown are used under fair use. If you want to hire my firm to be a client, you need to do just that and hire us... not watch us on the internet. If that offends your delicate sensibilities, just stop and be an adult. If you are outside of Wisconsin and want an attorney, contact one near where you are and stop trying to blame the internet and other people for your problems.

Fair Use: In the rare instance I include someone else’s footage it is covered in Fair Use for Documentary and Educational purposes with intention of driving commentary and allowing freedom of speech.

Link to attorney Tom Grieve's brief bio

#2ndamendment #pistolbrace #atf

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