Who were Nicolaitans in Rev 2:6, 14-15? Who did Jesus clearly identify as Nicolaitans' chief?

1 year ago

This is based in large part on What Do Jesus' Remarks In Revelation Imply About Paul?
-- an article at our webpages at this url: https://jesuswordsonly.github.io/recommendedreading/84-revelation-a-paul.html

The second most relevant article on our channel is Ch 12: The Ebionite Records of the Trial of Paul of the book Jesus' Words Only -- you can find at this url: https://jesuswordsonly.github.io/books/jesuswordsonly/117-chapter12jwo.html

On Paul's cavalier attitude of being at pagan temple to get free handouts of meat sacrificed to idols, see our article: https://jesuswordsonly.github.io/recommendedreading/690-paul-cavalier-attitude-eating-idol-meat-at-idol-temple.html

Response to critic who attacked our claim Paul taught one can eat meat sacrificed to idols, see this url:

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