NSFW AI (Using Pygmalion with KoboldAI)

1 year ago

Tavern AI:
KoboldAI: https://colab.research.google.com/github/TavernAI/TavernAI/blob/main/colab/GPU.ipynb#scrollTo=d-Yihz3hAb2E

Welcome to a new video lately been having problems with ooba booga this was my work around and I wanted to share it with everyone who may be encountering the same issue. Thanks for watching, and don't forget to subscribe for more intriguing content!

soon I will be doing a mobile tutorial and I promise this one will be a little easier than this one

props to the guy who did the thumbnail anime girl, click here if you wanna check it out. potential to change in the future couldn't find the artist here's the only link I could get.

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