Healing from a Narcissist When It is All About Them

1 year ago

One of the clear signs of narcissism is that everything in life is directed back to themselves. Everything is about them. It goes beyond selfishness, which we all have battles with and even self-centeredness. They have an orbit they have created where all of life points back to them being the center of attention.
Key: all things point back to them and the finely constructed and orchestrated image they have created of themselves.
They are often either the chief hero or the queen victim, depending on the situation. They can easily move back and forth.
They have a delusion about their image, that project that they always do the right thing . . . many can appear flawless . . . in addition, they never humble themselves or say they are sorry. Which means they won't take responsibility.
They are so deeply empty, but they haven’t humbled themselves to work through their shame and brokenness.
With this massive emptiness, they live in survival out of staring at themselves and guarding over their highlight constructed image they have created.
So therefore, they make everything in life orbit back to themselves.
When this is your parent:
You will be deeply neglected, ignored and dismisses
When this is your boss:
They will easily make decisions to protect themselves with no regard for how it impacts you
When it is your friend:
They will betray you when you are not around or speak behind your back easily.
When it is your spouse:
Any issues you bring up about your pain will be turned into a story about their pain

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