Father Ezekiel’s vision 5-3-23

1 year ago

Father Ezekiel’s vision 5-3-23

May 23rd, 2023

Father Ezekiel: This is the second day and or night that I have seen the whole-Earth darkened-

Mother Clare: Mm.

Father Ezekiel: Very dim, dim, dim reflection of a little bit of, if you can say, a lighter dark shade of the globe. It is as if the sun had been blocked out, you know?

Mother Clare: Wow.

Father Ezekiel: And the planet is just dark. And you can barely make out, you know, one side of the Earth from the other, and the little bit of sunlight that is getting through all the thickness of whatever this is, but not only do I feel completely dwarfed by when it comes down to a close-up, completely dwarfed by the size of this Earth, but to see another planet almost behind the Earth, coming around-

Mother Clare: Mm-hm.

Father Ezekiel: You know, to the Western side, if you want to call it, you know, sun comes up in the Eastsets in the West, but there is a constant, you know, there is a dark planet behind our Earth-.

Mother Clare: Mm-hm.

Father Ezekiel: That is coming around-

Mother Clare: Mm-hm.

Father Ezekiel: And at the same time, there is always some type of a-When I can see it clearly, it was a fireball.

Mother Clare: Wow.

Father Ezekiel: Now, things are so sooted out and blacked out and ashed out, that you can hardly see the thing, but it is still there. And it is-

Mother Clare: And it is a dark planet.

Father Ezekiel: Well, the dark planet is behind the Earth and the fireball thing is like-you know, maybe it is Nibu-

Mother Clare: Nibiru spits fire-

Father Ezekiel: Nibiru, the planet behind the Earth-

Mother Clare: Nemesis.

Father Ezekiel: Maybe-

Mother Clare: The planet is coming in behind the Earth, and this just showed up, right, out of nowhere.

Father Ezekiel: Well, yesterday. But it has been there ever since. You know, I see the Earth-

Mother Clare: It is a worm-I think it is a worm hole.

Father Ezekiel: If the Earth is darkened, there is a dark planet that is smaller and behind it. It is a planet.

Mother Clare: Wow.

Father Ezekiel: Behind the Earth that is coming around and, in like an elliptical orbit, a really close pass. I can see how that would affect gravitational pull, poles, and all kinds of things. But off to the right is still-It reminds me of–

Mother Clare: Go ahead. It reminds you of what?

Father Ezekiel: It reminds me of, in the seventies, when they would show the Apollo missions and their re-entry in the capsule or pod that they were in, you know when it-

Mother Clare: Came back in.

Father Ezekiel: Came back in it was just like the shields and the plates had to be so engineered and so thick to withstand that kind of friction and burning.

Mother Clare: Right.

Father Ezekiel: So, the thing, you know, would touch down, or splash into the ocean, you know? And then ships and helicopters and everyone would come in and take the astronauts out and whatever. That is what it reminds me of, is the re-entry, of the capsule that they were in, coming back into the atmosphere. So, I can still see-

Mother Clare: Go ahead honey, I am listening. Totally.

Father Ezekiel: I can still see, vaguely, even the burning light, or there is so much ash and so much dust, everything is in the atmosphere so much-

Mother Clare: Mm-hm.

Father Ezekiel: Between what is still heading straight on-head on toward the Earth you know, call it a chunk or a piece or a layer or a plate off a meteor or what-

Mother Clare: Right.

Father Ezekiel: It is coming in so hard and so fast, it, you know, others have said-

Mother Clare: This is a meteor you are seeing.

FatherEzekiel: It is part of a meteor as if you have taken an onion and cut it into two pieces and peeled a quarter of the layer back.

Mother Clare: Ok.

Father Ezekiel: And it is that quarter that is peeled back–It is that splice-Not a splice but a-a piece of it-

Mother Clare: Layer.

Father Ezekiel: Layer of that meteor-if this is what it is that-you know-the thing keeps doing what it is doing but man this slab that has come off of this thing is enormous. Our Earth, which is darker now, substantially, and this other thing coming in, this big layer, that has torn off of the main body of whether it is an asteroid or who knows what, meteor or an asteroid, that is why–

Mother Clare: Go ahead.

Father Ezekiel: In previous rolling, ongoing visions, throughout the day and night, and I am telling you, you know, I am blind,

Mother Clare: Right.

Father Ezekiel: I cannot see, but I still remember how to turn my head and look in different directions-

Mother Clare: Right.

Father Ezekiel: Any direction I-

Mother Clare: You are more in the spirit than you are-

Father Ezekiel: In any direction I look, whether my eyes are open or closed, this thing is in motion-I mean it is-It is imminent.

Mother Clare: Wow.

Father Ezekiel: It is imminent. I mean it is-

Mother Clare: It is headed towards us?

Father Ezekiel: Yeah! It is going to happen; it is just a matter of time. It is in real time, but whether it is in real time or not, I mean, you know, people that tend to see things or feel or sense or whatever, you know, kind of get it raw, like it is right there in front of you. I am not setting dates and I do not pretend to presume to put any kind of timing on this except for the fact that I do agree with Mike. So many things are happening so much faster than scientists and researchers and people thought.

Mother Clare: Right. It is ramping.

Father Ezekiel: So, when the Lord tells-

Mother Clare: It is ramping up.

Father Ezekiel: When the Lord tells you, ‘You are wading into the hornets’ nest here, this is a formidable enemy, it is going to be hard, but I will give you new strength every day, for whatever the day holds.’

Mother Clare: Right.

Father Ezekiel: And a lot of us are going to have to crawl out of our rabbit holes-

Mother Clare: Chuckles.

Father Ezekiel: And our-Our little dins that we have made for ourselves, you know, dumb internet constantly, stay out of the stores and malls and stop, drop and pray. I know you have heard so many things like that, the buttons go flat, you guys, I understand that. And while I am talking to you now, you know, this piece off of this meteor or whatever, you know it hits patches where it is a little brighter, and it is more, you know, I can see it more clearly, but these things are in motion. The Earth is rotating, I do not know why, when were or how but it seems to be rotating in a kind of in a south-westerly, south-easterly, rather northwesterly kind of a turn.
These things are headed toward, you know, a deep impact at some point. And this dark, mega lytic planet is just about a size smaller than the Earth. You could put a–put a nickel on top of a quarter-

Mother Clare: Right.

Father Ezekiel: Or a coin within a coin.

Mother Clare: Right.

Father Ezekiel: You know-This dark planet, whatever it is, is almost-it is not-I would say at the very least about a quarter smaller than the Earth.

Mother Clare: Ok.

Father Ezekiel: If it grew any bigger, they would be almost like the same size. So, those are two fronts that keep coming up.

Mother Clare: Wow.

Father Ezekiel: And the sinkholes-And in some places-Some places it is closer to the Great Lakes, and in the spring, summer and fall, you can see, they are just-it is just patches of water everywhere, boundary waters keep going on up into Canada.

Mother Clare: Yeah.

Father Ezekiel: But it is as if the boundary waters have come down and completely-I mean, there is just so much water it has got to go some place.

Mother Clare: Right.

Father Ezekiel: The glaciers are melting and all kinds of other–I am sure there are other factors.

Mother Clare: Sure.

Father Ezekiel: But at least on two continents and in three different countries I continue to see these-these massive sinkholes that are either sucking-

Mother Clare: Ooooh.

Father Ezekiel: Everything down into them or they are belching out this superheated steam, vapor, water, whatever, you know?

Mother Clare: Mm-hm.

Father Ezekiel: It is almost like there is a boiling ocean underneath. If you could peel the-

Mother Clare: That is pretty accurate about what Mike from Around the World said about NewYork.

Father Ezekiel: The layers-If you could-

Mother Clare: And Pennsylvania.

Father Ezekiel: Like peeling an orange. If you could peel the surface back on the Earth-

Mother Clare: Mm-hm.

Father Ezekiel: That down under there some layer at some point-It is almost like there is a vast reserve, an ocean-You know the waters are deep-maybe going back to Genesis-whatever, you know-

Mother Clare: Mm-hm

Father Ezekiel: And the Flood and Noah. Not just the rain and the heavens opening up, but the waters of the deep opening up.

Mother Clare: Mm.

Father Ezekiel: You have got water coming in from these massive weather changes and whatever, from the atmosphere and the Earth’s own core, you know, opening up and spewing out or taking in what it does. That is pretty much it for-

Mother Clare: Mm.

Father Ezekiel: The continents look so different.

Mother Clare: Mm.

Father Ezekiel: So very different.

Mother Clare: Mm.

Father Ezekiel: It is like looking in the hand with all the fingers and then looking at the palm as if all the fingers have been cut off the hand.

Mother Clare: Wow.

Father Ezekiel: And yet, even in that, there are places all over the Earth that God has set in safety that are surround-they might be mountain peaks here and there, you know, even though many mountain ranges have fallen, and many valleys have raised up new mountain ranges. It is just the way it works when the plates hit each other.

Mother Clare: Wow.

Father Ezekiel: I had to prove the “Continental Drift Theory” when I was in college and at that time you could put just about kind of put it together like a puzzle so the only thing that was there, you know, a large land mass called Pangea and something else, but you know, then the plates came together pushed up and pushed these land masses apart.

Mother Clare: Mm-hm. Now there is a continent rising out of the Atlantic.

Father Ezekiel: Well, it is called the “Continental Drift Theory”.

Mother Clare: Yeah, but there is something else going on there now.

Father Ezekiel: My-My-

Mother Clare: Like a whole continent beginning to rise up.

Father Ezekiel: My point is, every mountain will be laid low, and every valley-

Mother Clare: Mm-hm.

Father Ezekiel: Lifted up.

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