Finding Peace In Chaos

1 year ago

Genesis 1:1-2 “In the beginning when God created the heavens and the earth, the earth was a formless void and darkness covered the face of the deep, while a wind from God swept over the face of the waters.”

The word translated ‘wind’ here is ruach. The Bible begins with the ruach of God sweeping over watery chaos and deep nothingness. We can certainly feel that that describes our own lives and world sometimes. Everywhere we look people and the planet seem to be in chaos. Many of our friends and neighbors see no meaning in anything, not even their own lives. That lack of felt meaning is powerful fuel for anger, desperation and depression. Even those of us who believe that God is, and is with us and at work on our behalf, have moments when we need spiritual help to clear chaotic thinking or a deepening sense of helplessness and discouragement. The mercy is that even when we feel like we are sinking, Spirit stands ready to do for us just what was done in the beginning: separate the teeming waters so that we can find sure footing. What are the areas of chaos, darkness or nothingness in your life, family or world where you long to feel the Spirit sweeping, sorting and bringing perfect light? How do you experience Spirit in those areas of your life? Take a moment today to stop and feel the wind on your face. Face into it, if you can, and welcome Spirit to sweep over your life.

Prayer: Come Holy Spirit, and fill this day with light, love and meaning. Help me to see you at work around me and give me a solid place to stand. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

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