CORNdiff's Elastic Endeavour: Expanding My 10-Year Rubber Band Ball

1 year ago

Join CORNdiff as he tests the limits of elasticity in this exciting episode, adding a full pound to his decade-old rubber band ball. Marvel as a humble 1" steel ball transforms into a gigantic orb of rubber bands. A painstaking process, not for the faint of heart or weak of hand. Experience the thrill, the pain, the ultimate satisfaction. Tune in for this once-in-a-lifetime, rubber band extravaganza! #RubberBandBall #CORNdiff #ElasticEndeavour #DIY

1. "Learn more about the history of rubber bands here:"

2. "For tips on making your own rubber band ball, check out:"

3. "Get your rubber bands for your own ball from:"

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