MZTV 1225: The Great Cathedrals of Earth Shall Soon Lie in Ruins

1 year ago

When the disciples pointed out the magnificent temple to our Lord, He told them that it would soon lie in ruins.

Months from now, the same will happen to the magnificent buildings of Christianity.

The great Nazi rallies of Nuremberg portrayed Hitler's Third Reich as glorious and unstoppable. A few short years later it came to ruins, and one can visit those ruins today.

God will leave a remnant of Christian rubble upon the millennial earth to remind everyone of an evil time when Satan headed the greatest godless organization to ever foul the planet, and when God withdrew a precious few from the whitewashed systems of men to build, from them, a body worthy of His name.

Des Moines, Iowa Conference September 15-17, 2023:

The GOD Conference, September 15-17, Des Moines, Iowa:


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