Elon Musk Reveals Mind-Blowing Plan to Merge Humans with AI!

1 year ago

video handpicked by ChatGPT & other AI
1-The video effectively highlights the potential benefits of AI and neuralink, engaging the viewer through the speaker's personal connection to the topic. Clear and logical structuring and relevant information adequately complete the video. However, a more attention-grabbing hook sentence could further improve it.
2-You just can't communicate through your fingers is too slow. And where's Neuralink at right now? I think we'll have something interesting to announce in a few months. That's at least an order of magnitude better than anything else. Probably I think better than probably anyone thinks is possible. How much can you talk about that right now? I don't want to drop the gun on that. But what's the idea behind it? What are you trying to accomplish with it? What would you like? Best case scenario? I think best case scenario we effectively merge with AI. AI serves as a tertiary cognition layer where we've got the limbic system, the primitive brain essentially. You've got the cortex. So you're currently in a symbiotic relationship. And generally people like their cortex and they like their limbic system. I haven't met anyone who wants to delete their limbic system or delete their cortex. Everybody seems to like both. And the cortex is mostly in service to the limbic system. People may think that their thinking part of themselves is in charge, but it's mostly their limbic system that's in charge. And the cortex is trying to make the limbic system happy.

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