Debt Ceiling Deal; Erdogan Win; UK Immigration; Nvidia | YBS: News Roundup May 29

1 year ago

00:00 Intro
01:25 Member only show reminder
01:56 Debt Ceiling Deal
15:12 Erdogan Win
18:40 Turkish Lira is so depreciated that this 5-minute superchat only makes $5,5. Good news: there are people supporting you from Turkey :)
21:50 UK Immigration
33:20 Nvidia

Live Questions:
41:03 Could you talk about how AI is going to affect investing and Silicon Valley specifically since I live here. Will it make investing in broad index funds obsolete?
42:45 Always great to have a YB Show to listen to heading home from a beach weekend
43:25 If Michaelangelo was alive today, who would he make a sculpture of?
45:40 Is it possible Ayn Rand’s ideas can change the culture absent any academic credibility? Seems like they have to some extent already?
46:48 What is your stance on Adlerian therapy as a tool for getting control over ones life ?
47:44 Do you think the global economy will recover?
49:26 Why isn't there a better-organized boycott of companies that finance Putin's invasion of Ukraine; operating in Russia and paying taxes to Putin? Lists exist, but Google/YouTube won't let us post the URLs of the boycott lists.
50:46 With movies like Air, Tetris, Blackberry and The Founder, and upcoming movies like Madden (about creation of the video game) and Flamin' Hot (about the creator of the chip), why are we seeing a pro business movie trend now?
53:08 a suggestion for adams show, I'd like to hear about 3-5 business leaders who appear to have objectivist principles and how that influence their business, eg business model, mgmt style, etc
53:48 Should a great artist do a sculpture of Juror #8 (12 Angry Men) or some similar heroic figure from the movies?
55:31 It does not take a majority to prevail, but rather an irate tireless, minority keen on setting brushfires of freedom In the minds of men.
55:45 Do you think Andre from We The Living was stoic?

56:42 Outro

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