THE SHORTS VLOG CHALLENGE (6of28) #ShortsVlogChallenge #VlogChallenge #RoadTrip

1 year ago

Here it is, the 6th of 28 daily short vlogs. Today we were out the door early. We had to cross over the mountains to the next valley because Tenley had a dental appointment.

We stopped at an alpine lake to see if the baby boreal toads were migrating yet, but not for another month or two.

After the dentist we stopped to have lunch in a beautiful little park overlooking the Slocan Lake with the Valhalla Mountain Range in the distance. Then we decided to go to the golf course to practice a few putts before heading home.

We didn’t get any good footage but we seen a beautiful, healthy looking black bear, a marmot and a deer. This was a first for both of us seeing that marmot.

Got home only to pretty much head straight to work at the gas station. That was the day.

Thanks for watching

I started this 28 day shorts vlog challenge to give everyone a reason to tap into your creativity and have some fun.

There are no rules, there is no champion. Step outside your comfort zone and give it a shot.

Use hashtag #ShortsVlogChallenge and I’ll add your vlogs to the playlist

#vallhallapure #mountainlife

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