#5 Practice Makes Patience

1 year ago

When I think about this piano journal, I think about capturing every facet of it. I want to capture the moments of flow, the moments of polished composition, and even more, the moments of practice.

When I was first learning how to play the piano, I would refuse to watch any YouTube video; I would refuse piano lessons; I would refuse music books. My thinking was: If a child can sit and absorb and learn an instrument, then so could I.

So that’s how I practiced. Day after day, I sat in front of a piano hitting buttons until something sounded good. Then I’d more of that, then I’d try something new, then I’d do more of that.

First it was one finger at a time, then one hand, then a couple fingers on each hand, and so on. Whatever sounds good, I keep playing; whatever doesn’t, I try to learn from it.

It’s been a wonderful journey, and I still enjoy just sitting down with no agenda—one question in mind: what sounds good?

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