Article Video - One If By Land, Two If By Sea.....the Dual System Fraud By Anna Von Reitz

1 year ago

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Article Video - One If By Land, Two If By Sea.....the Dual System Fraud - Monday, May 29, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

Information provided to H.E. Cardinal Mamberti and the Vatican Chancery Court regarding our Claim March 6 2005, January 19 2023 in seq:

We often receive screeds from one of the Deeply Indoctrinated in the military, all upset because he believes that there is just one flag, and that being the wartime flag.

The truth is that every country on Earth has both a war flag and a peace flag, and we are supposed to fly them depending on whether our country is at war or at peace.

We are in the curious situation in which the country is at peace, but our Federal Municipal Corporation Subcontractors are at war.

The reason that most of us are only familiar with war flags is that war is very profitable, and the Municipal and Territorial Corporations that have been masquerading as our government, instead of admitting that they are only foreign subcontractors of our government, have maintained a constant state of perpetual war in the midst of peace for their own financial self-interest and coercive power.

The Title IV war flag that everyone associates with America is actually on loan to the British Territorial United States Government for its use when exercising our delegated powers.

That's why a precise description of the Title IV flag is necessary and why it has only a limited and certain proportion as specified in Federal Title IV.

So the Title IV war flag is our flag, but it is being used by a Subcontractor, and that Subcontractor has abused its use for many years.

For example, why was the Title IV flag flown by them during the recent attack of Libya? What did any of that have to do with "defending" our country?

Nothing. It had to do with stopping Libya from adopting and promoting the use of a gold-standard currency in Africa and had nothing to do with defending us or with any powers we ever delegated to them, but, they use our war flag when they do dirty work for themselves and for their own commercial interests for three reasons:

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