Sam Husseini questioning Jimmy Carter on Israel's nuclear weapons

1 year ago

I questioned Carter once, asking one of my go-to questions. In April 2007 I rather gingerly asked the former president at the National Press Club about why no administration, including his own, would acknowledge Israel’s nuclear weapons. He responded: “When I was president, I did not comment on Israel’s nuclear arsenal. But it’s generally known throughout the diplomatic and scientific world that Israel does have [a] substantial arsenal.... I don’t think it’s up to the U.S. government, president or officials to announce that another country does indeed have or have not nuclear arsenal if they themselves don’t acknowledge it....

"But the other nuclear powers, including India and Pakistan, now and the five original ones announced it themselves."

But that twisted the actual record. Before Pakistan announced it had nuclear weapons, Carter himself cut off aid to that country because of its nuclear program. In April of 1979, the New York Times reported: "Intelligence reports indicating that Pakistan is acquiring the ability to make nuclear weapons led the Carter Administration today to cut off economic and military assistance." ...
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