Own Your Health and Freedom

1 year ago

Today's Memorial Day is a poignant timely reminder of your priceless God-given birthright gift, freedom and good health. The choices you make for yourself and your family will determine your near future. Are you sick and tired of being poisoned by toxic chemicals and being dependent on big pharma meds that are keeping you enslaved to the medical mafia and the matrix? Are you fed up with the corrupt government cabal invading your privacy and trespassing on your family's life and bullying you into being vaccinated and telling you how to educate your children and live your life? Our dear beloved Forefathers sacrificed their lives and shed their blood, fighting for our country's freedom, and they're rolling over in their graves. The heartbreaking tyrannical paradigm matrix we're being forced to live in is not what our Forefathers had in mind when they fought for our freedom. It doesn't have to stay this way. You don't have to continue to live with toxic poisons in your life and man-made big pharma meds destroying your body with scary dangerous side effects. I understand how you feel. I felt scared and uncertain of how to empower myself and own my health at age 16, 31 years ago and after watching my toxic family poison themselves and me with their toxic chemicals and overdosing themselves with a toxic soup of big pharma meds, I had a powerful awakening at the young age of 16. I intuitively felt and knew there was a much better way to live. At age 21, I did a total 180. I became a product label reader and I made the switch from toxic mainstream chemically-laden self-care and skincare and cleaning products and poisonous big pharma meds to 100% holistic natural herbal organic plant medicine. I'm very grateful for my young awakening and to this day, I have not marinated my skin or swallowed a pill or been vaccinated and I won't ever. I have full 100% Faith in God and nature's plant medicine and nonlinear energy medicine supporting my health, safety, comfort, and happiness and you can do the same thing, too. It's much easier than you might think. I feel called by God to serve and help you live naturally holistically and I'd love to help you feel good with joy and ease and grace. Grab your spot in my holistic wellness ecourse for only $299, regularly, $499 for a limited time! The discount price will only be available until midnight tonight! https://payhip.com/b/ilG0c

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