Examining the Adventist Jesus: Investigating Who Is Worthy?! | Part 4

1 year ago

What is Jesus doing in Heaven right now? Is He still dealing with sin? Did He begin a work of Investigative Judgment in the year 1844?

In part 4 we look at a central pillar of what the Seventh-Day Adventist church teaches regarding the high priestly work of Jesus and if the claims around 1844 jive with the scriptures.

PART 1: https://youtu.be/kfy9OskHj1c
PART 2: https://youtu.be/kZCydyfmB4g
PART 3: https://youtu.be/v7DVArnunUU
Ellen G. White, Early Writings, pg. 55: https://egwwritings.org/read?panels=p28.393&index=0

Ellen G. White, The Great Controversy, pg. 428: https://egwwritings.org/read?panels=p132.1940&index=0

Ellen G. White, Christ In His Sanctuary, pg. 182: https://egwwritings.org/read?panels=p12119.832&index=0
The Gospel of Jesus Christ:
Man has broken God’s Law (Romans 3:23; 1 John 1:8) and our sin has separated us from our Maker (Isaiah 59:2). In His grace, God entered into His own creation in the person of Jesus Christ (John 1:1-14; Col. 1:19), born of a virgin (Matt. 1:23), and lived a perfect and sinless life, fulfilling all the Law’s demands (2 Cor. 5:21; Matt. 5:17), on a mission by God the Father to save sinners from condemnation (John 3:16-18, 6:37-40). He paid the penalty for sin which is death (Romans 6:23) and bore the sins of His people in His body on a cross (1 Peter 2:24), making propitiation by His blood (Romans 3:25). He died, was buried, and resurrected in the same body He died in on the third day for our justification (1 Cor. 15, Romans 4:25; Luke 24:39). By a living faith (James 2:18) in the Person and Work of Jesus (Romans 10:9-10), God graciously declares a person righteous (Romans 4:5), they are reconciled to their Creator (Romans 5:10-11), sealed with the Holy Spirit (Eph. 1:13), and have peace with God (Romans 5:1). They are born again of the Spirit (1 John 5:1, Titus 3:5), adopted into His family (Eph. 4:5–7), and are granted eternal resurrection life in Jesus Christ (1 John 5:11), set free to do good works that please Him (Eph. 2:10; 1 John 2:3-4). Jesus will physically return one day to judge the living and the dead (1 Peter 4:5; Acts 24:15; John 5:24-5) but His people will be spared from the wrath to come (1 Thess. 1:10) to dwell in union with God forever (Rev. 21:3).

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