A bunch of Dwarf Cavendish bananas

1 year ago

This is a follow-on to the recent video where I bagged this bunch of bananas: https://youtu.be/hlTdnhQD4_I
I saw that a few of the bananas (mainly the ones that had been partially eaten by birds before bagging) were starting to turn yellow. This is a good sign that the bananas have grown to full size and are all going to start ripening soon.
Harvesting a bunch of bananas is always fun. It's a bit of work, but rewarding. Not only do you get a bunch of bananas for your trouble, you get to swing a machete around and chop down, then chop up (amusing juxtaposition) the stem, along with a bit of problem solving and some good exercise thrown in too.
I like to hang the bunch up in the garage with a rope, then cut off individual hands of bananas to take in to ripen further on the bench. You do get to the point where all the remaining bananas want to ripen up at once, in which case we peel and freeze any we can't get through immediately. Frozen bananas are great in smoothies to drink and excellent in fruit smoothie bowls (topped with some fresh granola) for breakfast.

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