Emotional Mastery for Men: Balance Stoicism and Vulnerability!

1 year ago

You have most likely heard that advice that as a man, it's a huge weakness to show emotion and that you do your duty as unemotionally as possible. You have probably also heard the advice that men should be "more in touch with their emotions".

So, what should you go for?

- Do you need more emotional control as a man?
- Should men be stoic at all times?
- Should you open yourself up more to your emotions?

The short answer is yes, to all of those.

One of the main issues men face when it comes to their emotions is that if left unchecked, negative emotions can lead to limiting beliefs about yourself, self sabotage and other things that can completely cripple your progress and ambitions.

And so, accepting and processing your emotions is crucial for success!

However, on the other hand there is a fine line between the masculine trait of having processed and overcome the baggage of your past experience & trauma on one hand, and being an over emotional crybaby on the other hand.

So when it comes to emotional control for men, you need to balance stoicism with your more emotional side!

On one hand, you need to process and use how you feel for the better, but on the other hand you cannot let your emotions dictate your actions. It means to resolve the negativity inside of your own head, but at the same time it means being disciplined enough to do what needs to be done, regardless of how you feel!

#masculinity #stoicism #emotionalcontrol

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